• Fighting against breast cancer

    Activities of our Non-Profit Foundation

  • Activitie along with the Non-Profit "Two Hands for Tomorrow" Foundation

    Activities of our Non-Profit Foundation

  • Donation to abandoned animals

    Activities of our Non-Profit Foundation

  • Delivering donatives and special activities

    Activities of our Non-Profit Foundation

  • Fighting against breast cancer

    Activities of our Non-Profit Foundation

  • Donatives selection

    Activities of our Non-Profit Foundation

  • Working along with "Two Hands for Tomorrow Foundation"

    Activities of our Non-Profit Foundation

Alliance Foundation

At Zahira Bellydance Academy we are socially responsible and every year we develop a series of activities to bring smiles to the less fortunate

The Zahira Bellydance Academy since its very beginning has been developing social activities that benefit the most disadvantaged. Each year we collect gifts during an open and free of charge to the public event. Later on these gifts are correctly packaged and taken to an institution to benefit the disadvantaged, and while we do it, we carry smiles, dances, music, games and an experience that not only benefits those we visit, but the whole family Zahira Bellydance renews the desire to go ahead and fight for a better and better world.

The example starts at home