• Professionals of Alternative Rhythms
  • Bollywood Venezuela

  • Bollywood Ecuador

Ganesh Group

Professionals of Alternative Rhythms of the Zahira Bellydance Academy

GANESH Is an inexplicable connection with the soul

Ganehs Group founded in 2010, is a group dedicated to the art of Hindu dance, working in particular the style of Bollywood, dance that is characterized by being very choreographic, expressive, funny and somewhat complex, associated with the art of cinema The bollywood handles the basic mudras to tell with the hands and gestures the stories of love, lack of love or daily life.

It should be noted that our Bollywood group is the only Hindu dance group in eastern Venezuela, with innumerable national presentations. Capturing always the attention of the general public when executing a piece, becoming one of the favorite chatedra of our academy and general public.